Monday, October 24, 2011

If I was a crayon...

I personally like the black crayon best. Black is mysterious and makes an awesome contrast when bright colors are used with a black background. You can also outline with it, and it's not actually a color. I'd use that color most if I drew with crayons, but I don't because I much prefer pencils. If I wanted to use myself, I'd be black. But I don't use crayons much. That is why I would be white. No one ever uses white. I wouldn't have to deal with over zealous toddlers holding the crayons too hard and breaking me in half, or mashing my head against the paper... unless I was the toddler. I used white even when it was unnecessary. Now, I feel I have made this discussion garrulous by going on and on about my preference on crayons. I'll stop now. By the way, you missed the day I brought cookies. I had one for you :(

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